Marisa Giancarla is friends with Joachim Weiß
25.03.18 - MorphOS 3.10 - Public Release
installed ... testing ...
anyone else?
well, I'm not a programmer, I only know the magic wirds configure, make and install
have you tried compiling on Amiga itself?
Just doing some updates on my MorphOS iBook G4 and I have been wondering for some time: If we have for amiga-ish OSes GCC, the complete GNU toolchain available ans also there is an abundance of free software in GNU userland, how come we don't have AMIGA Ports? I mean like MacPorts? Found an interesting note on the webpage of NMAP (
) regarding AMIGA install, it says " In general, AmigaOS users should be able to simply follow the source compilation instructions in the section called “Linux/Unix Compilation and Installation from Source Code”. You may encounter a few hurdles on some systems, but I presume that must be part of the fun for Amiga fanatics." on the bottom of the page ... Anyone with me? I think, I'll just try nmap
Just recently I installed the FlowerPot Package from Amikit (
) to be able to run OS4.1 in WinUAE (actually WINE in Linux). The performance is so to say improvable. I'm well aware of the fact that PPC-Emulation on X86 has its issues. I'm just wondering if it were feasible to run some kind of UAE environment on MorphOS that itself runs on PPC-architecture to be able to run OS4.1 in emulation. I could imagine performance being much better ... unfortunately FS-UAE is obviously not being ported to MorphOS and its currrent version of E-UAE (1.0.0) is from what I can say about 10 years old. Has anybody tried this? E. g. by compiling FS-UAE from source?

International Amiga Day
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- Thursday, 31 May 2018 12:00 AM
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Male -
26. 07. 1969 -
About me
Amiga oldfag since 1989, Consultant in Urology -
Lampertheim (Deutschland) -
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<a href="mailto:jw_urodoc@yahoo.de">jw_urodoc@yahoo.de</a>
Contact Information
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+491702359068 -
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+49620675345 -
College / University
University of Heidelberg -
Graduation Year
2000 PhD