Marisa Giancarla is friends with Per-Erik Mäki
Basic Information
Male -
01. 10. 1966 -
About me
Amiga user andf still counting,
My riggs
A2000 GVP Combo 030@36Mhz 68882@51Mhz 13mb FAST 32bit ram 1 Mb chip, 2GB SCSI Quantum Empire 2100 drive
ans loads with peripherials
A2000 with 8088XT emul card, 1Mb Chip
600HD30mb disk 2mb Chip
2 A500 vanilla with 1mb chip each
Brännagatan 9 (Brännagatan 9, 961 31 Boden, Sweden) -
Paypal Email
<a href="mailto:zappa_rcc@hotmail.com">zappa_rcc@hotmail.com</a>
Contact Information
Mobile phone