SWAG (South West Amiga Group) Meet 6
SWAG embrace both classic and next generation machines, including all Amiga OS variants, MorphOS...
SWAG embrace both classic and next generation machines, including all Amiga OS variants, MorphOS...
- 1 attendee
- Hosted by Marisa Giancarla
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The South West Amiga Group (SWAG) originally formed in December 1997. They met once a month in Bristol to discuss their favourite computer. The group continued in various forms until 2005 when the group disbanded.
In 2016, riding the wave of renewed interest in the platform, the group has been resurrected, a new venue found and new events planned. Our first meeting was held in May last year, with a follow-up meeting held in September and another in January 2017. Following the success of the first three sessions, further meetings have taken place.
SWAG embrace both classic and next generation machines, including all Amiga OS variants, MorphOS and AROS. This includes physical, emulated and FPGA based platforms. All are welcome – but remember … Only Amiga Makes it Possible.
You may notice a number of non-Amiga items in our session line-ups. Although we are an Amiga group we do allow and encourage members to bring along other kit as long as they also bring Amiga hardware with them.
Meeting Details
We’ve arranged to hold our sixth SWAG meeting in the recently opened Swindon Makerspace - http://www.swindon-makerspace.org/ - a fully refurbished building perfect for those wishing to tinker with new and old Amiga hardware and software.
The date of the sixth SWAG meeting is Saturday 27th January.
Although the meeting is due to begin at 12 noon, the pre-meet brunch has proved so popular at the first two meetings that it’s now part of the day itself.
11:00am - 12 noon - Brunch at the greasy spoon next door to the venue
12noon - 5:00pm - SWAG meeting at the Makerspace.
Following the success of the extended meeting session for meeting number three, the 5:00pm finish time remains.
Cost - The costs of room hire for the first three meetings were paid for by a number of organisers. Obviously, this can't continue indefinitely, so for this meeting onwards the costs are £4 for adults. Under 18s are free. All room hire costs go back into the running and improvement of the venue.
The Swindon Makerspace can be found at Unit 34, BSS House, Cheyney Manor, Swindon
There is free parking on site, while the venue offers free Wifi plus tea and coffee making facilities.
Meeting Content - Spectrum Next
With PCB only backers receiving their boards towards the end of 2017, we're pleased to announce the SWAG member Zeb, will be demonstrating a fully working Spectrum Next at our January meet.
General -
Date & Time
Jan 22 2018 at 12:00 PM - Jan 22 2018 at 02:00 PM Europe/London -
Location & full address
Unit 34, BSS House, Cheyney Manor, Swindon -
Event Admins
Marisa Giancarla