Hello Vorlonze,
18 Apr 22 14:22, you wrote to All:
@TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A47
@MSGID: 420:1/12 13cd2465
@TZUTC: -0400
Hello all!! Glad to be a part of WeedNet! Just making sure this thing
is working. Thank you Anna for your help!
... The reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where the bad
girls live
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/64)
* Origin: Mystic Realms - A Social Media Alternative (420:1/12)
SEEN-BY: 1/12 2/1 1/1 2 2/2 1/3 4 6 7 2/3 1/8 5 9 10 11
@PATH: 1/12 2/1
telnet://bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 <<=-
... 5:01pm up 16 days, 5:10:09, load: 74 processes, 275 threads.
--- GoldED/2
* Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY +36-1-4454412 (420:2/3)
þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de