• Re: Airplane

    From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Greg Meckel on Sun Sep 19 10:27:00 2021

    Does anyone out here do R/C Airplanes?

    I personally do not. However, many amateur radio operators do use
    these, as they control them with transmitters on the 6 meter band.
    One local group gathers at an area park several times a month, with
    their aircraft armada.

    Daryl, WX4QZ

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    þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas
  • From fang-castro@VERT/NIGHTVLT to Greg Meckel on Sun Sep 19 23:00:00 2021
    On 18 Sep 2021, Greg Meckel said the following...

    Does anyone out here do R/C Airplanes?

    I've been wanting to get a glider for a while now but I've only
    looked in local stores. I figure a glider would be less expensive and less likely to be broken by me.

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